Sunday, January 20, 2019


   Biomechanics is a science part of the larger field of kinesiology, it is focusing on the mechanics of movement; it is a multidisciplinary science that combines biological and medical knowledge with engineering. Biomechanics includes how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movement. Also, the mechanics of blood circulation, renal function, and other body functions; it studies not only the human body, it studies animals and even extends to plants and the mechanical workings of cells, too.

     This beautiful science includes some elements, as the followings:
  • Statics: Studying systems that are in equilibrium or forces associated with not-moving. 
  • Dynamics: Studying systems that are associated with moving. 
  1. Kinematics: Describing the effect of forces on a system, motion patterns including linear and angular changes in velocity over time. Position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration are studied.
  2. Kinetics: Studying what causes motion, the forces and moments at work.

     There are multiple specialty areas in biomechanics, such as cardiovascular biomechanics, cell biomechanics, human movement biomechanics (in particular orthopedic biomechanics), occupational biomechanics, and sport biomechanics. Specialties with biomechanics include:
  • Biological Science: Studies of human, animal, cell and plant biomechanics.
  • Exercise and Sports Science: Applying biomechanics to human performance in athletics. 
  • Health Sciences: Researching causes, treatment and prevention of injury and using biomechanics to design rehabilitation programs and equipment. 
  • Engineering and Applied Science

     Study this science is very difficult because is not a common career, a biomechanics' student take courses about physics, biology, anatomy,  psychology, mathematics and engineering. Also, the student with doctorates can work with different aspects: research and design by sports companies, athletic research and testing, workplace testing and design of interfaces between humans and equipment. The applications of biomechanics are wide-ranging and some examples include the use of biomechanical analysis in the design of implantable artificial prostheses, such as artificial hearts and small-diameter blood vessels; in the engineering of living tissues, such as heart valves and intervertebral discs; and in injury prevention related to vehicle accidents, etc.

In Venezuela the most common way to studied about biomechanics is with health sciences or sports. The following aspects are included in the study of biomechanics:
  • Biomechanics can be applied to individuals, analyzing their movements and coaching them for more effective movement during exercise, sports, work, daily activities, etc. 
  • Biomechanics can be used in the design of sports equipment, clothing, shoes, etc. 
  • Biomechanics can study sports techniques and training systems and develop ways to make them more efficient.  
  • Biomechanics can be applied to studying the causes, treatment, and prevention of injuries. The research analyzes the forces at work that can lead to an ankle sprain and how shoe design or the playing surface might reduce the risk of injury.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019


 The physiotherapy is a science based in the knowledge of the human body. The professional in this area, called physiotherapist, is considered a mechanic for the body. He is a medical professional that uses natural physical approaches, techniques and methodologies in order to promote, maintain and restore the well-being of a person.

     A physiotherapy has knowledge about anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, medical conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, sports, biomechanics, exercises prescription and electrotherapy; with all this knowledge this professional can work with special activities as competitions of some sports,  or with the daily activities, too.

 In the case of “sports physiotherapy”, we can say that is the special branch of physiotherapy studies because sports injuries are very different to everyday injuries. An athlete require high level demand and performance of his body for that reason he has a lot of stresses in his muscles and also in joints and bones, so they need special attention.

     The most common reasons for visit a physiotherapist are  musculoskeletal pains or in other words muscle and joint conditions. The treatment for this conditions are advance clinical assessment and diagnosis methods that can:

  • Totally relieve or reduce your pain.
  • Improve your fitness.
  • Help you to recover quicker your normal activities.
  • To Improve your flexibility, coordination, proprioception, muscle strength and quality of movement.
  • Help you to prevent futures injuries. 
Some of the treatments or techniques that physiotherapist applies are:
  • Joint mobilization and manipulation.
  • Musical energy techniques.
  • Physiotherapy instrument mobilization.
  • Muscles stretching
  • Neurodynamics.
  • Massages. 

For more information you can visit:


Monday, January 14, 2019


 The psycho-pedagogy is a mix between psychology and pedagogy (education).  It was developed combining knowledge of education and mental health (in the second half of the twentieth century); or in other words, it contemplates neurological and a biological aspects to understand how is working our brain and how can we learn new things all the time. Actually, it is knows as the psychology of the education, but in Venezuela is unusual and few people study this science; although psycho-pedagogy is a beautiful career, very humanistic for people who has problems to learn, to socialized, to express emotions and feelings, etc.

      The work of this science is closely linked with other specialties and mainly, it studies the cognitive, affective and social skills for a better development in the different activities of person life. Some of the problems that studies and confront the psycopedagogy are special education, curricular design,  educational therapies, among others. 

     The professional in this area, called psycho-pedagogue has the difficult task to identify the problems, diagnose and design a plan to guide the patient/student to an objective. One of the most commonly task is discovered the difficulties in the learning process applying different tests. The psycho-pedagogue evaluates the following areas:

Socio-affective: family environment, school and personal dimension.
Cognitive: attention / concentration, memory, language, thinking, psychomotricity and perception.
Reading and writing: quality, speed, reading and writing errors, reading comprehension, among others.
Calculation: mathematical language comprehension, operator management (oral and written), problem solving, among others.

Curiosities-on:  Cognitive process