Monday, January 14, 2019


 The psycho-pedagogy is a mix between psychology and pedagogy (education).  It was developed combining knowledge of education and mental health (in the second half of the twentieth century); or in other words, it contemplates neurological and a biological aspects to understand how is working our brain and how can we learn new things all the time. Actually, it is knows as the psychology of the education, but in Venezuela is unusual and few people study this science; although psycho-pedagogy is a beautiful career, very humanistic for people who has problems to learn, to socialized, to express emotions and feelings, etc.

      The work of this science is closely linked with other specialties and mainly, it studies the cognitive, affective and social skills for a better development in the different activities of person life. Some of the problems that studies and confront the psycopedagogy are special education, curricular design,  educational therapies, among others. 

     The professional in this area, called psycho-pedagogue has the difficult task to identify the problems, diagnose and design a plan to guide the patient/student to an objective. One of the most commonly task is discovered the difficulties in the learning process applying different tests. The psycho-pedagogue evaluates the following areas:

Socio-affective: family environment, school and personal dimension.
Cognitive: attention / concentration, memory, language, thinking, psychomotricity and perception.
Reading and writing: quality, speed, reading and writing errors, reading comprehension, among others.
Calculation: mathematical language comprehension, operator management (oral and written), problem solving, among others.

Curiosities-on:  Cognitive process 

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