Wednesday, January 16, 2019


 The physiotherapy is a science based in the knowledge of the human body. The professional in this area, called physiotherapist, is considered a mechanic for the body. He is a medical professional that uses natural physical approaches, techniques and methodologies in order to promote, maintain and restore the well-being of a person.

     A physiotherapy has knowledge about anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, medical conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, sports, biomechanics, exercises prescription and electrotherapy; with all this knowledge this professional can work with special activities as competitions of some sports,  or with the daily activities, too.

 In the case of “sports physiotherapy”, we can say that is the special branch of physiotherapy studies because sports injuries are very different to everyday injuries. An athlete require high level demand and performance of his body for that reason he has a lot of stresses in his muscles and also in joints and bones, so they need special attention.

     The most common reasons for visit a physiotherapist are  musculoskeletal pains or in other words muscle and joint conditions. The treatment for this conditions are advance clinical assessment and diagnosis methods that can:

  • Totally relieve or reduce your pain.
  • Improve your fitness.
  • Help you to recover quicker your normal activities.
  • To Improve your flexibility, coordination, proprioception, muscle strength and quality of movement.
  • Help you to prevent futures injuries. 
Some of the treatments or techniques that physiotherapist applies are:
  • Joint mobilization and manipulation.
  • Musical energy techniques.
  • Physiotherapy instrument mobilization.
  • Muscles stretching
  • Neurodynamics.
  • Massages. 

For more information you can visit:


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