Sunday, February 17, 2019

NPL and its Principles

What is NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Program is the practice of understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do. Commonly, NLP is used for personal development and for success in business; additionally the NPL has a key elements, that is the study of de internal mental maps of the world as a product of the way that people filter and perceive information through their senses.

Now, we are going to study a little about the words that compound the NLP:

The word 'Neuro' is referred to the mind or brain and also, about how states of mind and body affect communication and behavior; as we said before, people have mental maps that are constituted of internal images, sounds, tactile awareness, internal sensations, taste, smells, amount others (this is the “neuro” aspect). The word ‘Linguistic’ is referred to the personal meaning that assigned for the information received from the world outside; on other words, we select a language to our internal map, it can be verbal and nonverbal communication. At last, the word ‘Programming’ is referred to the behavioural response that occurs as a result of the neuro linguistic processes; also, it is referred to be ability to change our mind and body states.

To discover the world of NLP, the people have some others to do it, they are NPL Modelling, NLP Training and NLP Application.

  • NLP Modelling: It is the highest skill level in NPL, Modelling can be used to capture patterns of excellence present in anyone or in any context. Communly, it uses the activity of compared someone who is excellent with someone that is mediocre at the same thing. 
  • NLP Training: they are the beginners that start to share thief knowledge about NLP .
  • NLP Application: a practitioner can employ the necessary skills as an agent of change working with individuals, groups, companies or in others environments.

On other hand; we need to remember that all the theories, investigations or ideas are based on pillars of foundations in this case we have four of this:
  • Rapport: it is the connection that people have with others. Rapport can be built quickly through technics as eye accessing, preferences, traditions,etc.; It is and important gift from NLP to the people.
  • Sensory awareness: NLP invited you to notice that the world is much riches and different when you take the time to see it and to pay attention on it.
  • Outcome thinking: An outcome is your goal for doing something, this principle may help to make the best decisions and choices, it connects to thinking about what you want.
  • Behavioral flexibility: It means being able to do something differently if the way you are currently doing it; it is about being flexible to find fresh perspectives and to build these habits into your repertoire.


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