Tuesday, February 19, 2019

NPL II Origins and Technics

NLP Origins

Neuro Linguistic Programming began its life in the 70s with John Grinder (a professor from the University of California) and Richard Bandler; both men have a fascination with the human excellence, the behavioural patterns, amount others.  They started Modelling three people, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson.

As we say before modelling is the core activity in NLP and it consists in the process of replicating the language and behavioural patterns of an individual who is excellent at some activities. The first three  people, already mentioned, was the 'models’ of Grinder and Bandler with their unconscious excellence. Through NLP Modelling both men made explicit the skills that the three geniuses have and with this the NLP was  born.

Grinder and Bandler presented two books in 1975, “Structure of Magic I and II.” The books put NLP on the world and,  with the interest that appears in the society, they started to offer some courses to share the information with others. NPL teaches the world that the most important communication is not between people but within people.

NLP Research and Recognition Project

The clinical psychologist Frank Bourke created a non-for-profit organization,called the NLP  Research and Recognition Project. The main idea was to expand the clinical investigation into Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Dr. Bourke has been using NLP clinically since the early 70’s  and with the 9/11 attack , he designed and applied a rehabilitation to the survivors of the WTC building; as a result he founded the organization because he considered that science need  this implementation.

Popular NLP Techniques

Eye Accessing Cues: Grinder and Bandler discovered the different movements that eyes do when people are talking , thinking or listening. This movements indicate whether one is using pictures, words, sounds, or feelings when thinking, remembering or learning; they are called essing cues.

The body language is also a Technics or method in curiosities-on we have an example


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