Friday, March 22, 2019

Alternative and Complementary Therapy

Nowadays, it is common used phrases as complementary therapy and alternative therapy, traditional medicine, etc; but they are different things.
A complementary therapy means you can use it alongside your conventional medical treatment. It may help you to feel better and cope better with others treatments, improving your quality of life.
There are many different types of complementary therapy, including:
  • Aromatherapy
  • acupuncture
  • herbal medicine
  • massage therapy
  • visualisation
  • Yoga

An alternative therapy is generally used instead of conventional medical treatment. There is no scientific evidence to show that this therapies can replace medical treatments; for this reason, they can be a risk for the patient. 

We need to remember that there are several different terms commonly used to describe complementary or alternatives therapies. You may see therapies described as:
  • Unconventional therapies
  • CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
  • Integrated healthcare or integrated medicine
  • Traditional Medicine


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